Riding LessonsWhether you are a first-time rider or just wanting to brush up on existing skills or wanting to learn a new skill set from groundwork to obstacles, barrel racing, trail riding, etc., or maybe you’re looking for more confidence in riding. Working your way to bareback and Liberty skills… we’re here to help you along your journey!
Adopt a HorseAre you considering Fostering or Adopting a horse? We would encourage you to visit our rescue and meet some of the horses, take time to bond and learn who is a good fit for you, your skill set, and where you want to be with your horse short-term and long-term. We’re happy to help you find the perfect match!
Sponsor a Horse
What does it mean to sponsor? If you or someone you know loves horses but are not in the position to own one, you can choose to Sponsor a horse or the entire herd!
Sponsoring can be selecting a dollar amount to donate monthly towards a specific horse(s) or the herd. Sponsoring could be donating treats, food, tack, blankets for winter, toys, supplements, medications, etc. OR SIMPLY DONATE YOUR TIME. Sponsor a horse(s)/herd by making time to spend grooming, walking, or just interacting with the horses. Our rescues are accustomed to being handled multiple times daily, whether that’s sitting inside their living area while they are getting accustomed to their new surroundings or just to brush and groom them. |
Cryotherapy, also known as equine icing or cold therapy, can help horses in a number of ways, including:
Pain relief Cryotherapy can quickly relieve acute or chronic pain in joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, as well as muscle spasms. Reduced swelling The cold temperatures constrict blood flow, which can help reduce swelling associated with pain. Faster recovery Cryotherapy can help horses recover from injuries more quickly. Improved mobility Regular cryotherapy can increase blood circulation, which can promote better mobility. Reduced risk of injury Research suggests that cryotherapy treatments can reduce the risk of reoccurring injuries and relapses. MJM Horse Rescue has recently treated numerous rescues with varying injuries such as lameness, strained ligaments/muscles, tightness in the shoulders or buttocks and hind quarters due to performance activity such as jumping, roping, barrel racing, etc. IF YOUR HORSE HAS INJURIES OR SORENESS & YOU’RE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT CRYOTHERAPY TREATMENT, PLEASE REACH OUT TO US TO SCHEDULE A TIME TO DISCUSS THIS WITH JJ AND WHETHER IT IS A TREATMENT YOUR HORSE COULD BENEFIT FROM. Consultations are FREE! |
Healing Services
It is no surprise the benefits of animal therapy is known all over the world.
Animals have healing powers that we as humans can receive and give in return. By simply interacting with horses they can help reduce stress and anxiety, and increase endorphins. It can also lower blood pressure and heart rate, and regulate the nervous system. We have experienced firsthand the benefits of animal therapy for adults and children, even in our small community. From anxiety and sensory overload to depression and PTSD, animals, especially horses, are great therapy. Maybe it’s a matter of being still and simply existing or focusing on a task like grooming, sitting on the horse, riding, or leading them. Our donkeys have proven to be some of the best therapists on site. A hug, a one-sided conversation, or just sitting in silence are all ways we can benefit from our time with our rescues. We invite you to come visit and bond with a horse(s). We can guarantee there is a match for everyone here. No questions, no judgement, just healing. |